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Something new...

First, Thanksgiving cooking was a great success and hosting it at my home was really fun. That said, I have a whole new appreciation for how much work it is. I was so grateful one of my friends insisted on doing all the dishes afterwards! 

I was inspired by the black borders someone used in Colorwaves and posted on Facebook. I started a new design a few weeks ago and thought I'd get to work on it but alas, when I opened my project bag, my ring of silks was not there. I worked on it in my mom's car and am hoping she will find it when she gets home - she was here in Florida and they brought my dad's car from North Carolina so there was no looking for it yesterday! I know what I'm missing so can easily keep going but I won't know for sure if I need more than one skein of any of the colors. Can you say frustrating?!  The beginning of it is above...not sure how many rows around there will be and am mulling about possible names for it - suggestions welcome! This design will be released sometime next year.

I'm off to sort out the goodies I bought at the quilting retreat. When I got home Monday night, I just threw the bags in my sewing room! Real work work can wait until Monday - I'm enjoying my first weekend at home in a month!

Hope you're warm and stitching!


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