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Hello 2016!

Happy New Year! Today's the last day of my "vacation". I'm happy I have the weekend before I have to go back to the work of writing instructions, making kits, placing orders, and all the other administrative stuff that I do! I've had a wonderful few weeks around the holidays of designing, stitching, and quilting. Now it's time to take down the tree and watch the Rose Parade, while I  listen to the  seemingly never ending rain. There was one day of sun this week and I hope it returns soon.

As I begin to take down the tree, I want to share my newest ornament. My local EGA Guild does an ornament exchange at our Christmas party and after several years of not participating, I was able to get it together and bring an ornament to the party. I hoped and wished I'd get a certain someone's ornament as she always does some beading (and I don't!). I even tried to cheat and get her to tell me which was hers and she wouldn't! Imagine my surprise when I opened my package to find this beauty! This certain someone didn't make it though - it came from someone else and I LOVE it! Thank you Beckie!! Not only is it beaded, it is a star! And for those of you who've done a lot of my designs, you know I love stars like chocolate - A LOT!

I stitched in the new year (I went to bed at 11 but it was midnight in New York so it counts!). Yesterday I finished a new teaching piece and finished designing my Mystery. I'd hoped to complete the Mystery by the end of 2015 but didn't quite make it. Maybe this weekend...

Although I can't show you photos of the Mystery, here's a little sneak peek - Samantha is getting tired of me working on it...
Boots is just ignoring it
And here's a true "sneak peek" of a tiny portion of it. I was inspired by the idea of a curiosity cabinet with lots of little sections to hold curios - Curiosity has been my working title. Are you curious.....? Class registrations will begin February 1st

I'll share photos of the colorways after I choose them in a few weeks. As always, I'm looking forward to being in a shop where there are complete lines of all the threads I need for this design!

In January, I'm going to spend a few days at the Callaway Gardens Needle Arts seminar. A friend is riding up with me (yeah!) and we'll see the exhibit, next year's class pieces, shop in the Boutique, and do Merchandise Night on January 19th.

February 13-16, I'm teaching two classes at Blue Bonnet Studio outside of Austin, Texas.  It's a fun low-key stitching seminar and the hotel is beautiful Serenity and Inchies are the two classes and both have multiple colorways. There are sports available in both classes. Send me an email if you want to see the various colorways (if you've already registered, I'll be sending this info Monday for you to make your selections).


I am teaching quite a few times this year and will update my website next week with my schedule. I am excited to be teaching at the ANG Seminar in New Orleans at the end of August. This is Highland Circle - a year ago I went to an Arts Festival and wandered around soaking in all of the artist's offerings. I was inspired to create something abstract and this design flowed out quickly the next day. I don't typically draw a design but this one was on paper before it was stitched.

Here's to a harmonious 2016. May we all be blessed with a needle in hand and love in our hearts...



  1. Love your sneak peeks. My kitties ignore my work which is a good thing...


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