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Where have I been?

I promised myself I'd never start a blog post with "I can't believe how long it's been since I posted" so I'm not! Instead I'll tell you I've been a lot of places the last two months, done a lot of stitching, been really ill physically, and have done a lot of planning and sketching of designs! And of course, I have photos to share...

In May I went to two family graduations with a week's vacation in the middle at my parents house in North Carolina. Of course, we spent a day shopping in Atlanta at the quilt shops. Another day, we drove over to Franklin, NC (more quilt shops!) and I got to meet one of my mom's stitching friends and her sister. She pleasantly surprised me by bringing this to show me! I didn't even know my mom's friends sister was coming, let alone that she had stitched some of my designs! How fun for me!

Dugan stitched one of my Color Delights in her own colors (this is the Sunshine design) and then finished it into this fabric project bag. It really wanted to come home with me but alas, she wanted to keep it herself! The four of us had a delightful lunch and it was great fun to spend time with other stitchers. Here's a closeup shot of her me when I say the photo does not do it justice.

I got to spend several days sewing and finished this quilt. I'd bought the solid Cherrywood fabrics at the Houston Quilt Market about 10 years ago so finally got around to doing something with them!They go great with Kaffe Fassett fabrics! I put flannel on the back of the quilt so it will be a cozy throw this winter.

I also finished a wedding quilt for my nephew who is getting married in August. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to have it done two months EARLY!! Can't show a picture yet.

Finishing these two quilts was great but it was awesome to still have sewing time to do this. The pinwheel blocks are 15 inches and I still have a few more to make because it will be queen size. It probably will make its debut on the bed next spring as I don't think it will be finished this summer. I didn't take a closeup photo but the backgrounds are all polka dots and the pinwheels are light airy florals - I think I'll really love this quilt when it's done.

On the stitching front, here's the Double Delights for June - I did Surf & Sand, my combo of taupe and soft turquoise aqua that I usually think of as "robin's egg blue". I may have been inspired by the fabric Dugan used for her project bag!

Here's the Double Delights for July - it's at the printer right now! This one is called "Grenold" because it's green and gold. I love making up words!

And the last photo for this post is from Barbi in Arizona who is stitching my Mystery - this is Months 1-6 (there are 9 installments so this is about 2/3 of the overall design). I've finished all the stitching on my own piece and can't wait to reveal the whole thing when the final pattern comes out in September.

At the beginning of June, I was off to Louisiana to attend the South Central Region EGA Seminar. What a blast! I'll
write more about that another time! I'm off to stitch after writing and proofing instructions all afternoon! I'm definitely ready to turn off the computer!



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